My opinion on the Best Picture winners from the Academy Awards. My credentials: I watch a lot of movies. Please enjoy, comment, and share!

CURRENT COUNT: 84 out of 84

Cavalcade (1933)

Cavalcade is not an easy movie to find if you want to see it. After discovering that is the only Best Picture winner currently not available on DVD, I had to begin a search for it on VHS. Luckily, being a librarian, I was able to borrow it from another library in the state of Pennsylvania.

The story is extremely sad. Nothing "good" happens to any of the characters. It feels like a British tragedy that spans 30+ years. In some ways it reminded me of Forrest Gump because it had fictional characters experiencing real events. Events include the Second Boer War, Queen Victoria's death, the sinking of the Titanic, and World War I.

I am a big fan of the fact this movie was not extremely long and drawn out. I also really like that this is a British film. Their films, for the most part, seem to be more tastefully done.


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